
This package is especially useful when working with complex state vectors in robotics.

For example, the state of a 6DoF rigid body is defined by its position p, velocity v, orientation q and angular velocities ω. Combining these values into one single vector can be complicated to work with. Accessing the angular rate along the y-axis, for example, requires some thinking to determine the right index in this long vector.

VectorlikeStructs lets you define a struct that supports numerical operations, such as addition, matrix vector multiplication and scalar vector multiplication, but preserves the convenient dot-indexing of structs.

Define a @vectorlike struct as follows:

@vectorlike struct SixDoFState

Now, any SixDoFState supports the common numerical operations you are used to from working with vectors. But you can still access the struct as you would expect, too. Retrieving the y-axis component of the angular rate would be as simple as x.ω[2].

Click here for the GitHub repository.